Kent Messenger Maidstone

Campaigner­s step up fight on access to school fields


Campaigner­s fighting to keep school playing fields open to the public have presented their petition to councillor­s.

St Augustine Academy and Oakwood Park Grammar this week began putting up fences around the playing fields in Maidstone, which have remained open since the 1960s.

Residents are angry at the loss of the open space and say the fields are rarely used by pupils, but the schools have said signs saying the land is private and the change is necessary to protect pupils and staff.

Presenting the petition on Wednesday, Cllr Paul Harper (Lab), who lives nearby and has been co-ordinating the protest, told councillor­s he would attempt to register general rights of way across the site.

He said: “The community has been galvanised by the decision by St Augustine Academy and latterly Oakwood Park Grammar School to fence in the site and deprive the community of access.

“The public has had free access to the site since before either of the schools were built. Why was there no consultati­on by either school? While legally they might not need to do one, morally we would all think there probably is.”

Cllr James Willis (Con) agreed, saying the timing of the decision was unfair and a compromise should be reached.

Cllr Clive English, (Lib Dem) said: “We as a council don’t have a legal standing in this particular debate so all we can really do is as members give appropriat­e advice as individual­s.

The petition has been referred to Kent County Council.

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 ??  ?? ADVICE: Cllr Clive English
ADVICE: Cllr Clive English

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