Kent Messenger Maidstone

Helen Grant MP


Schooling is a subject which evokes great passion and interest. The Prime Minister has been clear that education is a critical component of her plan to drive up social mobility and many of us also have a personal stake in the system through our sons, daughters, nieces, nephews or grandchild­ren.

In 2015 I was part of a national campaign which brought people together from across the political divide to highlight the historical injustice which exists in school funding. This is exemplifie­d by the fact that, currently, the 10 best funded areas in the country receive 43% more funding per pupil than the 10 worst funded areas. Kent is amongst the less well funded counties in England.

The campaign was a success and I was delighted that the government recognised the unfair nature of the system. The Department of Education has now published its new proposals and is engaged in a public consultati­on. I welcome the government’s ambition to introduce a national funding formula and end the outdated postcode lottery.

The plans will have a significan­t impact in Maidstone and the Weald, with all our school’s budgets affected. Overall, the outlook is positive for my constituen­cy. Our schools will receive an on average 2.5% increase in their budgets and over half of our schools will see their funding increased. Whilst I

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