Kent Messenger Maidstone

Death of football club secretary leaves a huge hole, says boss


Tributes have been paid to a devoted football club secretary who has died aged 61.

Clive Evenden was described as Mr Aylesford FC by close friend and club treasurer Trevor Rollo.

The Chelsea fan and Monopoly fanatic suffered a heart attack at Guy’s Hospital last Sunday night following an illness linked to his diabetes.

Mr Rollo said despite his ill health he remained exceptiona­lly positive, adding: “Clive was a really funny bloke. Most of us put in his situation, having a kidney transplant and taking a pot of tablets a day would not have a sense of humour but he kept any problems to himself and jokes with everyone he met.”

Mr Evenden, of Larkfield, served the Wren Close club for more than 20 years and even had a pavilion named after him. Thanks to him, said Mr Rollo, thousands of young people were given access to the beautiful game.

The Monopoly fanatic and train enthusiast was well known in

‘So many people owe so much to him he was always there to offer advice and he will be sadly missed’

Aylesford, Larkfield, Ditton and West Malling through his work at Kimberly-Clark as well as his duties at the club and his time at Tornadoes FC.

Mr Rollo said: “He was the most determined bloke you could meet. He had more go than the rest of the club put together. Everyone is gutted because when you lose a central cog in the wheel you have real problems.”

Jason Ochello, club chairman, added: “We are all in deep shock, the club as a whole has lost a great friend and fantastic secretary. So many people owe so much to him, he was always there to offer advice and he will be sadly missed.

“The place will never be the same again, his death has left a huge hole.”

He leaves behind his wife Christine.

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 ??  ?? Aylesford FC secretary Clive Evenden died after a heart attack in hospital
Aylesford FC secretary Clive Evenden died after a heart attack in hospital

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