Kent Messenger Maidstone

Tragic toll


On March 10 this year, talented chef Dave Thorman was killed while cycling home from work. The 35-yearold was in a collision with a van as he rode home from work along Canterbury Road in Whitstable at 8.30pm. He died at the scene. The 21-year-old van driver was arrested and remains on police bail.

Cyclist Barbara Phipps was killed in February 2016 on the A2 London Road in Teynham when she was hit by a lorry which had parked illegally. A judge found the delivery driver failed to check his on-board camera and criticised his decision to park on double yellow lines. Residents have repeatedly called for better safety measures on the A2, but so far KCC has been unable to identify a workable solution.

Mum Sally Anne Dockerty was killed in Broadstair­s in November 2016 while riding a Boardman bicycle which collided with a car. The 63-year-old worked at the renal unit at Queen Elizabeth the Queen Mother Hospital in Margate.

In March 2014, dad-ofthree Christian Smith was knocked off his bike and killed during a 24-hour charity ride. The 38-year-old was cycling along the Old Thanet Way between Herne Bay and Whitstable when he was hit by a Peugeot 206. Beth Mackie, an 18-yearold at the wheel of the car, was more than double the legal drink-drive limit. She admitted causing death by dangerous driving and drink-driving and was jailed for five years.

18-year-old Daniel Squire lost his life after a collision on the A258 at Ringwould, Deal in 2013. He was airlifted to hospital but died the next day. The driver was cleared of causing death by dangerous driving and the lesser charge of causing death by careless driving in March 2015. The trial focused on whether he was on his phone in the minutes before impact.

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