Kent Messenger Maidstone

Yes to homes in my back garden


A councillor who has taken a stance against excessive housbuildi­ng in Coxheath is saying yes to four homes being built in his back garden.

Former Maidstone Mayor and current Coxheath Ward councillor Brian Mortimer (Lib Dem) has helped organise a protest meeting and backed a petition against the expansion of the village, as detailed in the borough’s Local Plan and details of these can be seen on Maidstone’s Liberal Democtrats’ website. But the ward councillor, who lives at Heath Road, plus his neighbours Michael and Michelle Spalding, have reached an agreement with a developer which could see four homes built in the back gardens.

Esquire Developmen­ts has submitted an applicatio­n to build two two-bedroom semi-detached homes in each garden with a shared access running between the two homes onto Heath Road. The applicatio­n concedes the land is “in the countrysid­e” but says it is irrelevant because fields on the other side of the land, accessed from Aspian Way, have developer interest and would soon be converted to housing.

Cllr Mortimer said: “There is a big difference between applicatio­ns for mass developmen­ts of hundreds of homes and two homes in my back garden. I will continue to oppose inappropri­ate developmen­t in the village.”

Coxheath Parish Council has no objections. More by searching applicatio­n 17/503285 on

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 ??  ?? Taylor Wimpey’s Langley Park; Cllr Brian Mortimer
Taylor Wimpey’s Langley Park; Cllr Brian Mortimer
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