Kent Messenger Maidstone

Try-scorer Fernyhough to miss clash



Joe Fernyhough scored a try but later dislocated his thumb in Aylesford’s victory at Crowboroug­h on Saturday. Fernyhough had a good game after being moved from No.6 to No.8 but his afternoon ended early and he’ll miss this weekend’s home match against Sheppey. Aylesford remain unbeaten in fourth place in London 3 South East. Coach Jay Jenkins said: “It was a bit nervy at the end but overall I’m pleased with the performanc­e, especially as Crowboroug­h were a London 2 side last season. “Some of the stuff we work on in training, we’re now starting to see the benefits of in the game. “We’re still nowhere near where we want to be but we’re getting there slowly each week.” Crowboroug­h asked a lot of questions early on but the visitors defended well before taking the lead when an intercepti­on and a kick-and-chase led to a try for Jon Alderton, converted by Simon Rumsey. Bulls had the upper hand for the rest of the half, an effective set-piece providing the platform to play and they scored further tries through Fernyhough and Pete Webdale, Rumsey with both conversion­s. Aylesford made injuryenfo­rced changes at the break and lost some of their shape, with Crowboroug­h scoring a converted try midway through the half. The match settled down again but when Boro went over from the base of a scrum for another seven points, Aylesford were holding on in the last few minutes. Jenkins is expecting a test against Sheppey on Saturday. He said: “We’re preparing for a tough game, especially on the physical side. “Sheppey haven’t had a great start and they will be working hard to put that right. “They’ve got a new coach in Aston Croall and it will take him time to get his head around the squad but they will be well coached.”

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