Kent Messenger Maidstone

Litter team will tackle anti-social behaviour

- By David Gazet @DavidGazet­KM

Maidstone council has agreed proposals to bring its litter enforcemen­t team in house after a string of problems with the company contracted to provide the service.

The plans, agreed this week would see two officers patrol the borough charged with tackling anti-social behaviour, fly-tipping and dog fouling.

Kingdom Security provided environmen­tal enforcemen­t services in the borough from 2010 until August, when it and the council reached a mutual decision to end the contract.

The decision came after a number of gaffes by litter enforcemen­t officers, who were criticised for their overzealou­s approach. The service was temporally suspended for two weeks and reviewed after a woman was fined for feeding ducks in the River Medway last September.

In May they were taken off the streets again after a BBC 1 documentar­y revealed they were receiving commission based on the number of £80 fixed penalty tickets issued – previously the council had strenuousl­y denied this was the case.

The new service would be run directly by the council and would cost up to £75,000, including £50,000 expected in legal fees, some of which could be recouped through the courts.

Officers would still have the power to issue tickets but would only spend 70% of their time on litter enforcemen­t duties, the rest providing a visible presence in the town and helping with issues such as anti-social behaviour and fly-tipping.

Matt Roberts, a council officer, said the move was aimed at cracking down on all of the issues affecting the town. Cllr Marion Ring (Con) praised the idea but asked for reassuranc­e the service would be boroughwid­e.

She said: “I really worry about things in the town and I am not being flippant about this, but didn’t we have a murder the other week? Do we not get stabbings?

“To me something isn’t right with the town centre because these things are happening but I thought this was dealing with an environmen­tal problem. “How are just two people going to do all that job plus the environmen­tal jobs we wanted?

“It will be our own officers [instead of Kingdom officers] and I would hate to think, though its not their fault, these people would be thrown to the press because something has happened.”

Cllr Val Springett, (Con) said: “I am in support of it being in-house and hopefully with training we won’t have duck incidents.”

The committee voted through the proposal unanimousl­y.

 ??  ?? Maidstone council’s litter team is to be brought in house
Maidstone council’s litter team is to be brought in house
 ??  ?? Cllr Marion Ring
Cllr Marion Ring

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