Kent Messenger Maidstone

Shopping mall’s cash help boosts fund for girl’s op

- By Guy Bell @gbellKM

A schoolgirl with cerebral palsy has moved closer to a life-changing operation after Maidstone’s biggest shopping centre donated £6,000 towards her surgery.

Lily-Mae Leadsham is unable to walk independen­tly and relies on a walker or wheelchair to get around.

The five-year-old, from Ringleston­e, is booked in for a pre-operation assessment next month and is now just £8,000 shy of the £60,000 target to pay for surgery and aftercare.

Lily-Mae missed out on NHSfunded trials and the family have to foot the bill for the £27,000 operation and £30,000-plus of aftercare.

The Mall Maidstone handed over a cheque to Lily-Mae’s parents Kerry and Sam on Tuesday to go towards the operation on the youngster’s spine.

Mother-of-three Kerry, 31, of Finch Court, said: “We are very humbled and grateful to The Mall Maidstone for this generous donation towards Lily-Mae’s operation. This incredible donation brings us so close to her total of £60,000 – thank you.”

The special procedure, selective dorsal rhizotomy, will take place at Great Ormond Street Hospital, London. It involves a spinal cord operation that could eliminate the problems with her legs and one day enable her to walk without pain or difficulty.

Lily-Mae, who was born prematurel­y was diagnosed with cerebral palsy aged two, has already proven her determinat­ion.

The youngster, who goes to Palace Wood primary in Allington, learned to crawl when she was two-and-a-half and is now able to walk with a frame, but still longs to do all the things other little girls do.

Suzie Brindle, marketing manager at The Mall Maidstone, said: “The Mall Cares programme is dedicated to supporting local charities and we are proud and humbled to support Lily’s Little Legs. Our donation will help this little girl walk independen­tly and we couldn’t be happier to add funding to such a wonderful cause.”

If you would like to donate to help Kerry and dad Sam raise the rest of the cash for Lily-Mae’s surgery you can text LILY04 £5 to 70070. Alternativ­ely, donate online via 47 Dumpton Park Drive, CT11 8AD T: 01303 487 124 e: petticoate­mporium@

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 ?? Picture: Andy Payton FM4962762 ?? Left: Sam Leadsham, left, The Mall Maidstone centre administra­tor Hollie Jenner, Kerry Leadsham, right and LilyMae, five, with the £6,000 cheque
Picture: Andy Payton FM4962762 Left: Sam Leadsham, left, The Mall Maidstone centre administra­tor Hollie Jenner, Kerry Leadsham, right and LilyMae, five, with the £6,000 cheque
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