Kent Messenger Maidstone

My research tells me all I need to know


Oh, the agony. My right foot is throbbing and I am hobbling around with a stick.

Mrs Nurden, who works in the NHS and so should know about these things, peered at the injury and announced: “You’ve got gout.” “Gout!” I responded. “But that’s for old men!” She flashed me one of her looks which I understood to mean she thought I had hit the nail on the head.

If I was supermarke­t food I am sure she believes I would now be on the end aisle of bargains, 24-hours from their sell-by dates.

Gout is widely regarded as a rich man’s disease because sufferers share a diet of red meat, port and ale. King Henry Vlll had it, apparently.

Mrs Nurden believes I have brought it on myself but I dispute this. I enjoy a pint or a glass of fortified wine but only for medicinal purposes, you understand.

And my red meat is liberally mixed with chicken.

A lack of vegetables is purely down to Lent. Well, I had to give something up.

No, I believe blaming gout on food and booze is false.

I have consulted the internet which never lies and have discovered the true source of this pernicious illness.

Could it be to do with your kidneys, inflammati­on, a blood disorder or a reaction to certain tablets?

Absolutely not. After completing my exhaustive research I can reveal that the biggest single common denominato­r is... women. Look at Henry Vlll. There have been many kings and queens who have dined on fine food and quaffed gallons of mead. But only Henry was laid-up with a wonky foot.

So what did he have which the others didn’t? Exactly. Six wives.

Anyone who has lived with the likes of Mrs Nurden knows this can have a terrible effect on a man. According to my findings, single men hardly ever suffer from the condition and it is unheard of in the fairer sex.

My problem now is to find a cure so I can return to full mobility and go back to the pub...

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