Kent Messenger Maidstone

Wife dies in ‘failed suicide pact’


A husband accused of murdering his wife in an alleged failed suicide pact has appeared in court.

Wearing a grey T-shirt, Michael Packman, 66, spoke only to be identified during the brief hearing at Maidstone Crown Court yesterday (Wednesday) morning via TV link with Elmley Prison on Sheppey.

Stephanie Packman’s body was found at their home in Hurst Lane, Kemsley, in the early hours of Tuesday, July 31.

Mrs Packman, 64, suffered from dementia and had previously been living in a care home. She was found with a wound to her neck.

Her husband was treated at a London hospital for a wound to his abdomen.

On Sunday, police announced they had charged Packman with murder and he appeared before Medway magistrate­s the following day.

Packman, who was remanded in custody following Tuesday’s hearing, will return to Maidstone Crown Court to enter a plea on November 30.

Judge Adele Williams set a provisiona­l trial date for January 28 next year.

The judge ordered a full psychiatri­c report.

Meanwhile, an inquest into Mrs Packman’s death was opened at Archbishop’s Palace in Maidstone yesterday (Wednesday), which revealed the cause of her death.

During the opening assistant coroner Katrina Hepburn heard she died from “a single incised wound to the neck”.

Ms Hepburn postponed the remainder of the inquest until after criminal proceeding­s are complete.

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