Kent Messenger Maidstone

Spare a thought for the lonely this Christmas


In case somebody out there didn’t know, Christmas is a time for family and friends.

Emotions rise with familial reunions and waistlines grow with never ending mountains of food. But there are still plenty of people whose homes will feel empty this Christmas. As with every year there are plenty of reminders to remember those less fortunate over the festive season. Such a phrase conjures up thoughts of elderly widows or widowers watching the Queen’s Speech alone, with no other relatives to their name.

But come Christmas day, some of the most vulnerable people might find themselves surrounded by loved ones. December 25 and the days around it can offer some respite to the crippling loneliness many feel across the rest of the year. But as the days wear into the New Year, many will find themselves back in their isolated routine, waiting for the next birthday or holiday to come around. Christmas is a time for giving what you can, even if it is only the time to stop and talk to someone.

The festive season should serve only as a reminder to consider the people around you day to day. Even if you aren’t overcome with the Christmas spirit, giving strangers 30 seconds of your time seems like a far easier New Year’s resolution compared to weight loss goals or learning a language.

Stopping for a chat outside your home or when you’re shopping is becoming an alien experience for too many people. But you’ll find once the shock wears off, people are, for the most part, quite normal, and at least easy to talk to. Enjoy your Christmas, and take the happiness of the season into the New Year.

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