Kent Messenger Maidstone

Will it be a rocky road or smooth ride?


From Stack to Brock, Perch to Fennel, Kingfisher to Bunting, emergency planners and the government have drawn up a range of Brexit contingenc­y plans to respond to the challenges that could confront Kent.

And with the deadline looming, you may be hearing more about them. Here’s our political editor’s guide and assessment of how worried we should be if they are implemente­d… Its other phases involve directing lorries to Manston airfield site should capacity be used up on the M20 coastbound; and if that is full, the final phase involves parking HGVs along the M26.

Questions have been raised about whether it will work, especially over the use of the Manston airfield.

As to why it is named ‘Brock’? The rumour is that it stands for “Brexit operations in the county of Kent”. How worried should we be? If all four phases are implemente­d, it will mean we are in a full-on crisis. On the other hand, if it is contained to the M20 and the contraflow, it could minimise the scale of disruption. severe weather and industrial action in France.

A little confusingl­y, these mitigating measures include those set out in ‘Operation Brock’ but the wider Fennel plans are described in a report on the county’s Brexit preparatio­ns as “flexible and can be activated depending on the volume and impact on flows around the county, particular­ly traffic leaving the country via the Kentbased ports.”

How worried should we be? Quite worried - if this is triggered, it would probably signal that the situation is pretty dismal. used for a British offensive of the Second World War during the early stages of the Battle of Normandy. This has been the default contingenc­y plan to address congestion and delays principall­y on the M20 and pre-dates Brexit by two decades.

Its origins lie in an attempt to provide a solution to delays at Kent’s cross channel ports caused by bad weather or striking French workers. Ironically, it was first deployed in February 1988, because of a strike called by the National Union of Seamen in Folkestone Docks.

Involving the closure of the M20 with different phases - it allows HGVs to be “stacked” on the motorway with other traffic diverted on to the A20. A low point came in 2015, when industrial disputes involving French ferry companies led to more than 30 days of gridlock.

The ensuing chaos did produce one positive result - it finally forced the government to come up with an alternativ­e - an ambitious proposal for a huge lorry park off the M20 near Folkestone at a cost of £250m. That plan isinlimbo.

While it has been superseded by Operation Brock it remains in Kent’s contingenc­y plans This is the government’s over-arching strategy for dealing with the wider Brexit fallout.

It not only sets out the implicatio­ns on the road network if Channel ports are shut but addresses other key national challenges, such as the potential shortage of medicines, the impact on food supplies, staff shortages and the creation of a black economy and civil unrest.

How worried should we be? The likelihood of all the worst-case scenarios it flags up happening at once is remote but even if a few were to occur - or one led to a domino effect - the ramificati­ons could be pretty challengin­g. If fuel shortages occur, coupled with civil unrest, the implicatio­ns could be far-reaching. An initiative aimed at supporting businesses in the transition phase leading up to and in the immediate aftermath of Brexit. It is unclear what is happening to this initiative, which the government said could provide financial assistance to firms to withstand cash-flow problems. Some have criticised reports that it would be geared to bigger companies rather than smaller businesses who may be more vulnerable to an abrupt no-deal Brexit.

Sets out how the police will co-ordinate the response to Brexit and is reported to include the option of drafting in more officers from other forces in to Kent if needed. While Kent Police - who have received several million pounds from the government to cover the additional costs of Brexit - would be involved, it is a national initiative but details are limited and a number of FOI requests on what it would entail have been refused on grounds of national security.

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And two more no one seems to know too much about…
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