Kent Messenger Maidstone

Long wait for confusing face mask advice


Face masks: to wear or not to wear? It really is a no-brainer. The Government advice to cover-up in shops is long overdue and poses the question why wait until July 24? Why wasn’t it made mandatory when non-essential businesses were allowed to re-open back on June 15?

Now the health minister Matt Hancock has muddied the waters even more by saying we don’t need to wear them when we get back to the office. Really?

If it is good enough for passengers using public transport and people popping into a shop for a couple of minutes then surely it will help stop the spread of coronaviru­s when sitting at a desk next to a colleague or queueing to use the photocopie­r?

Wearing masks has proved to control the spread in hospitals. Some argue that the British pubic don’t like being told what to do. Well, tough. We didn’t like being told we had to wear seat belts. And we really didn’t like being told it was unsafe to drink and drive. Just because we get away with something for years doesn’t mean it is right.

These are exceptiona­l times and the threat of Covid-19 has not gone away. If anything, it is likely to return this winter even stronger.

Perhaps a £100 fine just isn’t enough? Some have suggested £1,000. It is yet to be seen who will be brave enough to report those who ignore the guidance, especially as it is not technicall­y a criminal offence. As always, we welcome your views.

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