Kentish Express Ashford & District

A true democracy would get my vote

Our columnist with his unique view of Ashford life


IIMAGINE that, like you, the first thing I do on waking each day is to give heartfelt thanks for the fact that we live in a democracy. We all know what a democracy is. According to Aristotle, it meant “the rule of many”, that is us, the people. But, according to the American journalist/satirist H.L. Mencken, “[it] is only a dream: it should be put in the same category as Arcadia, Santa Claus and heaven”.

Considerin­g the evidence locally, I would say Mr Mencken got it about right and that Aristotle and his Greek chums would be laughing up their sleeves were they to come back and see how the great idea is working out in Ashfordian practice.

I don’t know if the council has ever done anything that was asked of it by members of the public. It seems always to work on the “daddy knows best” principle.

The market was shifted to the Lower High Street contrary to the wishes of the public and the stallholde­rs. Following the removal of public lavatories there has been an increase in suspect rivulets emanating from out-of-the-way places. And now we are faced with the prospect of a vast (and widely objected to) housing estate at Chilmingto­n. One hilarious feature of the developmen­t is, after wrecking a large chunk of countrysid­e, they plan to make a countrysid­e park!

What a lot of hype and hot air has been expended by the council in a misguided attempt to sell the projected estate to voters.

Of course, there’s absolutely no need to do this because, as we all know, the majority of voters just trundle out and put their crosses against the same old set of time-servers, later to complain about what they do or don’t do. There was a time, now long past, when people believed that their vote could make a difference.

Hah! They wish!

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