Kentish Express Ashford & District

Guest talk on Christiani­ty and cricket


A former West Indian cricketer and the current Kent County coach will be speaking at Willesboro­ugh Baptist Church in Hythe Road, Ashford on Saturday, January 25.

The event has been organised by the Men of Willesboro­ugh, who often get together for breakfast events on various Saturdays throughout the year.

Their aim is to spend time socialisin­g together, with speakers who prompt thinking about the challenges of life facing men today.

Jimmy Adams will be discussing his cricket career as well as his Christian faith.

The talk is free to attend, but donations to the church would be appreciate­d.

Doors open at 8am for an 8.15am start.

For more informatio­n, call 01233 632739 or visit A former journalist from Kennington has written a book which tells the story of the village in the First World War.

Kennington at War 1914-1918, written by Robin Britcher, tells of life in the village, as well as the lives of the men who are remembered at the War Memorial in Church Road, Kennington.

It includes details of their lives before they went to war, including photos of many of them, as well as reports published in the Kentish Express at the time.

Mr Britcher, of Faversham Road, said: “For many years I looked at the names on the memorial of men who died in the First World War.

“I wanted to know more about them. Where did they live and work and how did they meet their deaths? How old were they? I decided to find out and tell all their stories.

“My research took me to libraries, archives and into the homes of some of the relatives of those who died. And the internet was a huge source of informatio­n.

“I have included pictures of many of the men, last letters home, and told of life in Kennington during that terrible time. There were also a few lighter moments.

“I hope the book will appeal to all ages and that the poignant stories of the men who didn’t come home means they will be remembered as more than just a name on a memorial.”

Among the stories recalled are many acts of bravery, including those which won Norman Hight the Military Cross, and Albert Knight the Military Medal.

Among the reports from the Kentish Express is one telling of four brothers, sons of a Mrs Ellen Witherden of East Mountain Cottages, all serving on the frontline.

Copies of the book are available for £3 from Savers Newsagent in Faversham Road or by cheque for £4.50, including P&P, sent to Robin Britcher, 169 Faversham Road, Kennington, TN24 9AE.

 ?? Picture: Barry Goodwin FM2107849 ?? Kent coach Jimmy Adams
Picture: Barry Goodwin FM2107849 Kent coach Jimmy Adams

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