Kentish Express Ashford & District

Has council’s Sir Litternot gone AWOL?


Ashford Borough Council’s new weapon in the war against litter was introduced to residents when he took his bow at the town’s County Square back in June.

Sir Litternot, the knight in green armour, took centre stage when he joined the Town Centre Action Team (T-CAT) at an anti-littering exhibition in the shopping centre designed to encourage people to keep the borough’s streets clean.

The defender of our pavements and parks came complete with his own slogan “Use litter bins and everyone wins!”.

We reported at the time how ABC wanted Sir Litternot, pictured left, to take his “don’t drop litter” message to schools, exhibition­s and events.

All well and good but since then we wonder what’s happened to the gallant knight.

Now he may well have visited some schools and put in a few personal appearance­s but if he has he’s done it very quietly, some would say almost silently.

Cynics might argue that a brave knight should be shouting his get tough with litter louts message from the rooftops and perhaps even be making an appearance in the town centre every now and then, handing out his special canvas bags, stationery and car stickers as he did at his launch event.

But this doesn’t appear to have happened, as far as we know.

The council is still considerin­g introducin­g on-thespot fines for people who drop litter so maybe if and when they do they’ll get Sir Litternot to promote their introducti­on, before people forget who he is.

This picture certainly does prove the old adage that birds of a feather do actually flock together.

It was taken one day last week by regular Nuts and Bolts contributo­r Ted Prangnell in the back garden of his Kennington home.

It shows a greater spotted woodpecker and a couple of sparrows pecking away at the content of two bird feeders.

Back in the spring we reported how milk wars had broken out in Ashford when the Tesco Express in the High Street dropped the price of a four-pinter to £1 to match its rival and near neighbour, Iceland.

But now they’ve both gone a stage further. No sooner had Tesco reduced the price of four pints to 89p than Iceland followed suit.

So how low can they both go? Is the 75p four-pinter looming?

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 ??  ?? A Greater Spotted Woodpecker and a couple of sparrows pictured feeding by Ted Prangnell in the back garden his Kennington home
A Greater Spotted Woodpecker and a couple of sparrows pictured feeding by Ted Prangnell in the back garden his Kennington home
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