Kentish Express Ashford & District



The double life of sex fiend John Williams, who waged a 20-year campaign of terror, was revealed at Canterbury Crown Court in May.

He targeted vulnerable victims – including one who was pushing a toddler in a pushchair – and attacked them as they walked in secluded areas.

He either snatched their handbags, or groped them, leaving them feeling humiliated, frightened and dirty.

One of his victims, a 17-yearold schoolgirl, was attacked in June 2012 in Millennium Woods in Ashford.

Another 18-year-old victim was told by the attacker: “If you scream I’ll rape you.”

Williams was caught after Kent Police launched a largescale manhunt when they linked three sex attacks which took place within the space of one year.

Over the course of the operation, DNA evidence was collected from more than 80 men, 5,000 leaflets were given out and more than 100 schools, shops, and businesses were visited.

The Kentish Express also offered a £500 reward for any informatio­n leading to his arrest and an appeal appeared on the BBC’s Crimewatch programme.

His evil past finally caught up with him when he was jailed for life at Canterbury Crown Court in May after admitting a string of brutal sex attacks.

Judge Adele Williams who told him: “You were leading a double life, living at home with your wife and children and going to work while committing offences when the opportunit­y arose.

“Let there be no mistake – you may never be released.”

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