Kentish Express Ashford & District

Neighbour tells of years of suffering


Ronald Etheringto­n, whose home in Brookfield is sandwiched between two HMOs, said: “We’ve had problems for over seven years.

“We are suffering the consequenc­es of Ashford Borough Council’s planning department allowing free rein to property developers who buy up three-storey properties on our estate and convert them into HMOs.

“We have for years now had to put up with anti-social behaviour, littering, fly-tipping, noise from fights and parties continuing well into the early hours of the morning.

“Willesboro­ugh is seemingly experienci­ng similar problems with this type of developmen­t.

“Landlords who own these properties live far away and have no stake in the communitie­s they operate in.

“Their interest is profit. The people that live in them, generally transients, also have no stake and care not one iota for their neighbours.”

Mr Etheringto­n, who has signed Mr Wagstaffe’s petition, says the borough council has placed Arti- cle 4 restrictio­ns, which limit the works that can be carried out without needing planning permission, on Brookfield and South Willesboro­ugh.

He added: “It is shameful what [the council] is putting residents through.

“They have placed Article 4s in Brookfield and South Willesboro­ugh, so they realise there is a problem. But it is now spreading to Beaver Road.

“The families move out and then developers will buy the houses, and convert them into more HMOs.

“Gardens are left unattended. Seven people live in them but no one is responsibl­e.”

‘Landlords live far away and have no stake in the communitie­s they operate in’

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