Kentish Express Ashford & District

‘This area needs to be reclaimed by families’


Councillor­s are supporting Beaver Road residents’ fight to stop more HMOs being developed in their road.

Cllr Jill Britcher (Lab), ward member for Beaver, said: “The whole business of HMOs really affects South Ashford. It is very disappoint­ing.

“We’re keen to take what action we can to halt them. It causes parking problems and often the houses can become dilapidate­d.”

Cllr Harriet Yeo (Lab), ward member for Norman ward, said: “This is a family area and it needs to stay family-orientated. We need quiet at night for children.

“This area (Beaver Road) has been run down and it’s not fair for the people who live here.

“We are in desperate need of family homes like the ones here.

“The council should be buying homes like this and putting a family in there.

“Young families work hard and should have a chance to move into a home like this.

“This area needs reclaimed by families.”

Stanhope ward member Cllr Brendan Chilton (Lab) said: “The council has put Article 4 restrictio­ns in some areas, which prevents this type of developmen­t without first obtaining planning permission. But what happens? The landlords just buy property in other areas.

“We need restrictio­ns placed on the whole town. HMOs have blighted communitie­s where they are just popping up.”

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 ??  ?? Cllr Jill Britcher
Cllr Jill Britcher
 ??  ?? Cllr Harriet Yeo
Cllr Harriet Yeo
 ??  ?? Cllr Brendan Chilton
Cllr Brendan Chilton

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