Kentish Express Ashford & District

We must fight to protect countrysid­e


With regard to letter Your Views Are Always Ignored (November 6), the Chilmingto­n Green problem is not one of ignored election promises but unsuccessf­ul challenge prior to 2008 Local Plan adoption.

The present revision to the Local Plan is set to become a Chilmingto­n Green repeat because little interest is being shown, despite it adding further greenfield land for 4,000 homes.

Residents of a mind must act now and not leave merely to the 2015 election.

The Government abolished the John Prescott plan and housing targets; and Ashford objectivel­y assessed need by Cambridge Econometri­cs concludes no more land is required since the 10k+ homes not built in the Local Plan satisfy the 20-year supply sought by the revision.

Government Ministers state the focus should be on increasing annual buildingra­te not the housing number and they support halting urban sprawl into the countrysid­e to maintain the vital green lungs around towns. With Ashford’s annual building rate sliding to just 137 homes and much Greenfield land already adopted, Ministers make a telling point.

As well as exceeding past annual achievemen­t, the 730 homes being pushed forward ignores existing resident need, as 427 are for inward migration. The question of sustainabi­lity is glossed over with no acknowledg­ment that Ashford has no further capacity in its hospital, surgeries and schools; as well as roads and water. With unemployme­nt very low, exploitati­on of the jobs argument by those advocating more greenfield land is immaterial.

Unless we as residents shout louder now another ‘Chilmingto­n Green’ is just around the corner and countrysid­e demise is destined to follow that of the town centre. Winston Michael, Ashford Independen­t councillor, Boughton Aluph and Eastwell

Your front page story Car Chase Drama Creates Gridlock (November 6) illustrate­s very well the precarious state of the transport infrastruc­ture in and around Ashford.

Add in another 10,000 vehicles from the Chilmingto­n Green Garden City and gridlock will become permanent. Ralph Carpenter, Chilmingto­n Green, Great Chart

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