Kentish Express Ashford & District

Driver’s ignorance over Remembranc­e


Apart from the 888,426 poppies individual­ly crafted and placed around the Tower of London and the daily raft of TV programs about the Great War, clearly not enough has been done to spread the word about the centenary commemorat­ions.

Or at least not for the driver in Church Lane on Sunday morning who, after ignoring signals and polite requests to stop, continued on his journey towards Nickley Wood through our march of over 100 children, young people and family members en route to the church.

The poor man was quite put out at having to wait for two minutes so that our procession could safely arrive at the act of remembranc­e and actually protested when I eventually stood in front of his car to stop him.

I very politely pointed out that it was Remembranc­e Sunday and that he would have to wait. He responded by saying that he didn’t know!

I realise that the act of remembranc­e isn’t universall­y acknowledg­ed in our country. I also accept that whilst many of our family members were killed or maimed fighting tyranny, others within our society were racketeeri­ng or languishin­g in prison cells.

To that driver, on this day you should be ashamed of yourself. Your ignorance beggars belief and is the very example of all that is bad in our society.

That said, and in the true spirit of Scouting, you’ll be most welcome to join us at church next year. Gareth Bradford, Group Scout Leader, 1st Shadoxhurs­t Scout Group you to the kind and honest person who found it. Rosemary Bryen Tenterden

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