Kentish Express Ashford & District

‘Boom ... bits of chimney flew

Terrified residents fled or were pulled to safety by brave neighbours as a quiet housing estate was rocked by a huge gas explosion. The massive blaze that followed Monday afternoon’s blast saw a row of terraced homes badly damaged as fire swept through th

- By Vicky Castle and Suz Elvey

Shocked people have been left homeless and one man seriously injured after a series of suspected gas explosions sparked a huge fire that gutted a row of homes.

Five people were taken to hospital after the blast, suffering from burns, smoke inhalation and other minor injuries after the blast at around 4pm on Monday.

Eight council-owned properties in Oak Tree Road, South Ashford were affected.

Neighbours said one resident – a man in his 20s and named locally as Steven – was transferre­d to a specialist burns unit in London.

An ambulance spokesman confirmed paramedics took five people to the William Harvey, including a 93-year-old man suffering from smoke inhalation.

Gas distributi­on company SGN confirmed one of its engineers was working in the area before the blast but added that it was too early to say exactly what caused the explosions. Dozens of nearby homes were evacuated, leaving nearly 100 people standing out in the street.

Witnesses reported hearing four or five loud bangs and seeing huge plumes of smoke and debris raining down at the scene near Ashford Oaks Primary School.

Police officers at the scene also found a suspected cannabis factory but they do not believe it contribute­d to the fire.

Pete Collins, 33, lives in one of the affected flats, directly below where the explosion happened.

He said: “I heard a five-second boom. I got my dogs and myself out the front door.


“Debris from the kitchen window and bits of chimney from upstairs was just flying all over the place. Every single top floor flat has been touched by it. Pretty much my whole life’s gone. I’m feeling stunned. But it could’ve been worse.”

Emergency crews sealed off the area and Oak Tree Road was closed between Noakes Meadow and Little Knoll. Affected residents who require priority assistance may contact the council on 01233 331111 and then select option 3 then option 2. (Note: The message will refer to communal bins but this is where customer service advisers will be on hand to answer any questions).

A mother of one, who asked not to be named but lives opposite the affected houses, said: “The first explosion shook the whole building, it felt like an earthquake.

“It blew the tiles right off the roof of that house. We don’t know if we’re on the same gas line as that house. We’re shaken up and scared.”

The woman said she was told she could return to her home but was warned to stay away from the windows.

Taxi driver Sue Whybrow, who also lives nearby, said there was one initial explosion followed by a large amount of smoke. Once the smoke cleared the other explosions happened.

A spokesman for the school said children were not affected and the school did not have to be evacuated. However, some parents reported difficulti­es getting to or from the school.

One parent claims he received a text from the school shortly after the incident asking all mums and dads to pick their children up as soon as possible due to an “incident”.

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