Kentish Express Ashford & District

Man who rushed to help asks: ‘Where was community spirit?’


- By Suz Elvey

A disabled man who ran towards the burning buildings and helped a pensioner to safety is calling on more people to display a bit of community spirit.

John Hall was walking back to his South Ashford home from the town centre when he spotted thick black smoke billowing into the sky and changed course to see what was going on.

As he approached Little Knoll, a woman told him homes were on fire with elderly disabled people inside and he started to run towards the explosion site.

Mr Hall, 42, who lost an eye several years ago and is not currently employed, said: “I ran down the road. It took me three minutes to get there and when I did there were about 50 people just stood there.

“Not one person had knocked on any of the doors to get anyone out.

“Everyone is always going on about neighbourh­ood and community spirit but the people standing there must have been local so would have known a lot of elderly and disabled people lived there.

“How can 50 people be stood there talking when the house is going up and nobody has gone to get anybody?


“I’m disabled myself but I’ve lost an eye not a leg so it didn’t stop me helping.

“A policewoma­n knocked on one door and I helped a man out of the house and across the road.

“He could hardly walk. He was probably in his late 70s or early 80s. Someone else got him a chair. He was OK, just a bit shocked.”

Mr Hall, who is originally from Salford and has lived in nearby Cross Stile for four months, said the emergency services did a brilliant job.

He continued: “When I arrived the police and fire brigade were just coming around the corner.

“When they got there they were fantastic. I told the first policewoma­n who arrived there were old and disabled people inside and she was straight on the radio asking for extra help.

“The police and fire did a fantastic job. They were on it.

“I just think there should be a bit more neighbourh­ood community from everyone.

 ?? Picture:Paul Amos FM3870703 ?? John Hall helped a pensioner to safety after the explosion at Little Knoll
Picture:Paul Amos FM3870703 John Hall helped a pensioner to safety after the explosion at Little Knoll
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