Kentish Express Ashford & District

Independen­ts will help bring life back


Ashford Borough Council should be praised over plans to rejuvenate the Park Mall shopping centre by opening it up to “interestin­g and independen­t” traders.

At first glance this looks like a clever way to breathe life back into the town centre to the benefit of all. While shoppers rely on the consistenc­y and familiarit­y of products bought from high street brands, there is a growing desire to browse and purchase the more quirky and individual items sold by independen­t retailers.

If executed well, this move could provide a real draw for the town centre, as well as provide consumers with a more interestin­g experience. It could also go some way towards making up for the illconceiv­ed relocation of the market away from the town centre many years ago.

The devil, as always, will lie in the detail – such as attracting quality traders while ensuring that the rates and rentals are affordable enough to appeal beyond the big brands. But for all of that, hats off to ABC for trying at least something new. This a bold and innovative move which, if successful, could form a blueprint for other ailing town centres. Mark Street Ashford

With regard to the Park Mall proposed developmen­t, I note that there is no mention of making it more user friendly by keeping out the weather and making it a much nicer place to shop or sit outside with a coffee. A glass roof and doors at each entrance would go a long way to increase footfall. At present it is a place we hurry through to get to the much more pleasant County Square no matter how many interestin­g shops are in Park Mall. Rod Maynard Kings Chase, Ashford

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