Kentish Express Ashford & District

Tasteless spam, A-boards and Park Mall ambitions


In just a couple of hours last Wednesday morning, I was invited, via email, to purchase a hearing aid, a car, shares in a bank and a funeral plan that will give me peace of mind and a few quid over with which Mrs B and the children will be able to celebrate my demise. No. No and no.

Oh yes, I forgot the Marks and Spencer strapless bra which will transform my life; but I’ll say nothing more about that.

A hearing aid I don’t want (at my age selective deafness is of manifold benefit), cars and banks I would happily do away with and I am far too feckless ever to consider funeral plans.

I deeply resent being urged to buy things by people whom I just know I would detest on sight; I never even look in estate agents’ windows, let alone going in.

Recently, there has been a certain amount of complaints about A-boards.

These are hard times for town traders; everyone says so and everyone complains that the High Street is dying.

Clearly, the only thing to do is up the advertisin­g in every way possible, hence the profusion of A-boards.

They may look a tad unsightly in their profusion but, come on, they’re not that difficult to walk round.

And as for the chap who was forced to drive more slowly than he might have wished and narrowly missed a man and his daughter and then blamed the A-boards, he really should get a life.

What good news was the purchase and proposed revamping of Park Mall. Please, Mr Galpin, take care not to fill the place with pop-up type shops.

The last one was spun as a great success but I made a point of sitting on the bench outside and saw very few customers take the time to have a good look round.

Neverthele­ss, Cllr Gerry Clarkson’s dream of filling the Mall with interestin­g and independen­t traders could be exactly what the town needs

One thing the town doesn’t need, in my view, is ten grand’s worth of floral display (put together in Cornwall) in the shape of a longdefunc­t steam engine/railway engine called “The Coffee Pot” in a vain attempt to give glory to the town’s relatively recent and now defunct railway history.

‘I deeply resent being urged to buy things by people whom I just know I would detest on sight’

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