Kentish Express Ashford & District

Concern at big increase in reports of child sex abuse


The number of sexual offences against children recorded by Kent Police has shot up by a staggering 69% in the past three years.

According to figures released by the NSPCC, 802 child sex abuse reports were received between 2012 and 2013, which rose to 1,356 the following year.

Last year, the charity received 122 calls to its helpline that were so serious, they were immediatel­y referred to the police or children’s services.

The charity says it is not clear why the number of reported offences has risen so significan­tly, but it could be attributed to greater awareness which is giving victims the courage to come forward.

However, there are also fears these figures represent the tip of the iceberg in terms of how many abused children are still suffering in silence.

NSPCC chief executive Peter Wanless said: “These figures are disturbing and clearly illustrate child sexual abuse is a continuing and widespread problem that needs urgent action.

“But we know this is still only a fraction of the true number of victims because some endure an agonising wait of many years before telling anyone – and others never reveal what has happened to them.

“It’s time to throw down the gauntlet to government which has to ensure all sexual abuse victims get specialist treatment to help them recover.

“By the end of this current Parliament there should be no children living in the shadow of abuse.”

The figures are revealed today as the NSPCC launches its third annual report – How Safe Are Our Children? – at the charity’s annual conference in London.

The report compiles the most up-to-date child protection data that exists across the country.

‘By the end of this current Parliament there should be no children living in the shadow of abuse’

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