Kentish Express Ashford & District

Lucky escape only for driver


I refer to your report last week concerning a driver who had a ‘lucky escape’ when he overturned a BMW in Hunter Road at 5am on a Sunday morning, causing thousands of pounds of damage to a car parked nearby (Lucky escape after BMW flips on roof and smashes into cars). According to police ‘there is no suggestion the vehicle was speeding’, therefore by definition it must have been travelling at 20mph; the speed limit in Hunter Road.

Of course as we all know, it is extremely common for those of us who drive at 20mph to overturn our vehicles, have ‘lucky escapes’ and smash into rows of parked cars causing thousands of pounds of damage and misery to other drivers. It happens so often that I’m surprised you even bother to report it.

As for a ‘lucky escape’, maybe it was for the driver, but what about the unfortunat­e owner of the parked vehicle who now has a massive bill to pay and no car to get to work? I wonder if he feels so lucky! Thank goodness there were no pedestrian­s or schoolchil­dren involved.

I am a member of Willesboro­ugh Community Speedwatch team, and we are constantly approached by residents who are utterly fed up with the impunity with which motorists flout the 30mph and 20mph limits in the area.

How many people does it need to be killed or seriously injured before the Police, Kent Highways, KCC, and Ashford Borough Council, take action such as road engineerin­g, education and ultimately enforcemen­t?

A speeding vehicle on urban and suburban roads is just as lethal a weapon as a gun or a knife.

I am sure I speak for the vast majority of my fellow residents when I say enough is enough.

We are looking to our county and borough councillor­s for action now please. John Goodman, Earls Avenue, Willesboro­ugh

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