Kentish Express Ashford & District



Andy Golding, 50, from Ashford, said: “I used vapers to stop smoking. I had to give up under doctor’s instructio­ns. I haven’t given up vaping though. I only use them at home, but it wouldn’t worry me if someone did use them in a confined space. There’s no medical proof they do any harm.” William Roe, 75, from Ashford: “Once I was coming back from the Channel Islands on the ferry and a woman was vaping from across the aisle. I didn’t like that. I don’t agree that they’re allowed to be used where cigarettes aren’t.” Louise McGavigan, 26, from Ashford: “I’m a smoker and I have looked into vaping, but not tried it yet. I don’t like people smoking them in enclosed areas though – I don’t like the smell. I think they should be treated like cigarettes.” Sophie Griffin, 19, from Ashford, said: “I think it should be treated like a cigarette. If you’re using it as a cigarette substitute, you should go outside. It’s fine smoking it in your house, but some people aren’t comfortabl­e with it – especially those who don’t smoke.” Bonny Doper, 72, from Ashford: “I’ve been smoking since I was 20 but vapers are helping reduce my intake. It’s also a lot cheaper. The vapour’s harmless to other people. When you walk past someone it doesn’t smell like cigarettes. I don’t see the problem. You’re not harming other people. We got segregated because we were smoking, now we’re getting segregated because we’re using vapers.” Catherine McKay, 61, from Ashford: “I don’t agree with people smoking them in enclosed public areas because it’s not known if they’re 100% harm-free.” Georgina Selling, 19, from Ashford, said: “I’ve got a vaper but I haven’t used it. I don’t think it’s a problem smoking them inside – when you breathe it in, it hasn’t got the same effect.”

 ??  ?? Andy Golding
Andy Golding
 ??  ?? Georgina Selling
Georgina Selling
 ??  ?? Bonny Doper
Bonny Doper
 ??  ?? Louise McGavigan
Louise McGavigan
 ??  ?? Sophie Griffin
Sophie Griffin
 ??  ?? William Roe
William Roe
 ??  ?? Catherine McKay
Catherine McKay

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