Kentish Express Ashford & District

Visitors to show will learn all aspects of beekeeping


The art and joy of beekeeping will be explained to visitors at the Ashford Beekeeping Associatio­n’s annual honey show and beekeeping exhibition at Aldington Village Hall on Saturday.

This year’s honey show will be opened at 1pm by the Deputy Mayor of Ashford, Cllr George Koowaree, who will also be opening the autumn show of the Aldington and Bonnington Gardening Society, which takes place in the other part of the village hall the same afternoon.

Ashford beekeepers compete against each other and also against beekeepers from other parts of Kent in an endeavour to keep beekeeping standards high and to promote beekeeping to the public.

The show highlights honey and honey products produced by local beekeepers and will include honeycomb, beeswax candles, decorative and artistic exhibits, photograph­s, cakes and desserts featuring honey and exhibits relating to bees and beekeeping. Refreshmen­ts will be available. Ashford Beekeeping Associatio­n is a branch of Kent Beekeepers Associatio­n. The aim of the club is to promote the craft of beekeeping and encourage best beekeeping practices.

Chairman Navin Nauth- Misir said: “The club also aims to encourage and assist members to take up the craft whilst striving to educate members of the public with regards to the importance of protecting honeybees.”

The club meets monthly with summer meetings held at the club’s apiary at Cheeseman’s Green. Winter meetings are held in Kennington.

Anyone interested in beekeeping, or the club can contact the group via its website at www. ashfordbee­

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