Kentish Express Ashford & District

Readers’ views: You said it on Facebook and Kent Online


Karen Brasington: “The council demonstrat­ed plans for the Conningbro­ok Lakes developmen­t in County Square a couple of years back and I expressed my concerns at the increased traffic and not enough roads, facilities to support such growth in that area. The council even called me again afterwards to ask my views.

“The expansion in our town is too rapid. Thank you Cllr Sims.”

Kate Agrell-Doldan: “We need more schools, surgeries, dentists, a bigger hospital, a clean-up of the town centre before any more houses should be built.”

Mike Shepherd: “Well done Cllr Sims. You will get my vote.

“Shame that there are not more of you to have the balls to say no more houses.”

Kim Allen: “Stop ruining our countrysid­e. How can we possibly need more houses in Ashford?

“Chilmingto­n Green is criminal enough.”

Callum Tilbee: “Build in 2020? B******s. They have surveyors out already, and the entrance to the new jungle will be the Conningbro­ok Hotel’s current entrance.

“Yes, that’s right. Greedy people want to jeopardise a fantastic growing business for a few extra quid and are not on these plans.”

Steve North: “It’s easy to say no more houses when you all have a house already. It’s near impossible to get a house at my age. I welcome it.”

Disgruntle­dvoter: “Well that’s me done. Lived here 51 years and I’m done. I’ve had enough of Ashford and its rapidly expanding urban sprawl, it’s now a lousy town and there’s a lack of forethough­t by our council.

“Such a shame from what was a lovely town and countrysid­e where villages surrounded Ashford instead of being engulfed by them. A crying shame!”

Barb Dwyer: “Successive Ashford councils have largely ignored the public’s appeals for the last 40 odd years, and look what a terrific job they’ve done turning a quaint market town into an absolute ********.

“Yes, there is a demand for housing but it’s affordable housing people need not more executive homes and buy-tolets to make the well off even richer.”

PeteMK: “By that logic, Chilmingto­n will generate around an extra 12,000 cars, with innumerabl­e new vehicle movements, and the only road improvemen­ts tabled to help cope is the widening of a halfmile section of Chart Road.

“It doesn’t make any difference how much sense you make, Cllr Sims. They’re gonna bloody build the houses anyway.”

kentman222­2: “Just pure greed on the part of the council and developers. Just stop it before the whole of Kent is concreted over.”

Justastati­stic: “This has been going on since I was a child, when I wrote to the local MP asking them not to build a massive estate at the end of my garden. They did, of course. It would be happening regardless. It’s all about money.

“That area is beautiful and I walk there often. I have waste ground all around the area where I am that sits gathering litter. Use that. I’d prefer it on my doorstep and having somewhere nice round the corner to escape to. Just leave some views for us, some nice walks.”

Mojei: “It is a terrible tragedy witnessing Kent being concreted over at a rapid rate, never witnessed before. No one that I know, except presumably our spineless, vote-grubbing politician­s, wants a bigger population. What we need is a smaller population, but while endless benefits and housing is guaranteed to any female in the country who gets herself pregnant the population will continue to rise.”

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