Kentish Express Ashford & District

Armed police search train


IT consultant Stuart Andrews was arrested after a massive manhunt that saw armed police storm a train in Gillingham.

Commuters said as many as 30 officers carrying guns boarded the London-bound service as it pulled into Gillingham station shortly after 9pm on Thursday.

At least one armed response team was dispatched and a police helicopter was spotted flying low over several towns.

Railway worker Wesley Tabi, from the Isle of Sheppey, was on his way to a night shift in London when the train was stopped.

He said: “We pulled into Gillingham and the doors opened briefly, but then they shut and the conductor said there was going to be a bit of a delay.

“Then suddenly a load of ‘old bill’ flooded the station. There must have been 30 of them with their machine guns. It was like SWAT.

“They started walking up and down the train and there were some on the platform with dogs.

“I read online that a man was missing, but they were looking under the seats, in bins, everywhere.

“I asked if they were looking for a firearm or explosive, but they wouldn’t say.

“I heard someone say they might have to take the train back to the depot to do a forensic search on it.”

Mr Tabi, who works for Transport for London, says passengers on the train began to get frustrated as the delays continued.

Police confirmed yesterday (Wednesday) that Stuart Andrews had been discharged from hospital on Tuesday night and immediatel­y taken into custody.

As the Kentish Express went to press yesterday (Wednesday), Mr Andrews had not been charged with anything and remained in police custody.

He was arrested in London last Friday on suspicion of the murder of his wife, Caroline.

Mr Andrews had been taken to an unidentifi­ed hospital for treatment for self-inflicted injuries.

Police had refused to give any details about the circumstan­ces of Mrs Andrews’ death.

The exact cause of Mrs Andrews’ death has not yet been officially confirmed. An inquest is expected to open shortly.

 ??  ?? Armed police searching a commuter train
Armed police searching a commuter train

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