Kentish Express Ashford & District

Limits not enforced


With reference to the article and letters regarding speed limits on rural roads, I write from a vast experience of driving from 1967 onwards.

If you drive, you will already know what slows you down. And unless it’s enforced or has cameras, lowering the speed limit to 30mph won’t help if it’s not enforced and rural roads are best driven at 40 to 45mph. However, drivers aren’t paying attention to the speed limits we already have.

Our 40mph speed limit from Kingsnorth to Shadoxhurs­t is never enforced, constantly broken, and because there are no cameras, there are a number of drivers that shouldn’t be on the road, whether it’s no licence, MoT or bald tyres.

So what slows traffic? Really good speed bumps, traffic islands correctly placed work and so to do chicanes across half the carriagewa­y.

Police presence works, but is expensive, and it takes them away from much more important things that police are trained to do. The police do tend to hand out tickets that are rarely expensive enough to discourage the offences, or when arrested they get let off – OK can’t pay, take the vehicle. Walking never breaks speed limits, does it. Perhaps the police should be more responsibl­e for their own wages with increased fines, then it may create an incentive for the job. But we do need cameras, now we don’t have tax discs. Christophe­r Smith Tally Ho Road, Stubbs Cross, Ashford

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