Kentish Express Ashford & District

Dedicated head made a scapegoat


I read with interest your article regarding the North School and its shocking exam results (Must do better, KE, January 28). Perhaps the people, who swallowed the vilificati­on of the former head Lesley Ellis might now be having a rethink.

I worked at the North during Mrs Ellis’s headship and was appalled at the treatment she received.

I strongly believe that she was victim of a political ‘stitch up’ because of her resistance to the school becoming an academy.

During her period of influence, the school and particular­ly its results, improved year on year.

During my time working there, I witnessed Mrs Ellis’s commitment, ability and compassion.

She was extremely strict when necessary and applied certain standards in areas where appropriat­e.

It was absolute rubbish to suggest that the school was not safe.

I was employed with others to patrol the school grounds for this very purpose, supervisin­g toilets and discoverin­g class absenteeis­m.

I feel particular­ly qualified to talk of these things as I spent 10 years as an officer at Rochester Borstal during my time in the Prison Service.

In your article, Mr Whitcombe’s comments are not supported by the facts and smack of pure excuse making. How can Ofsted declare progress when the appalling exam results clearly show the opposite? Dale Lee, former pupil of the North Modern Secondary School during the late 1950s Ashford then return to the hospitals because they will not get nursing jobs anywhere else. Nettle grasped, and objective achieved. Peter Lake Elmfield, Tenterden station has about 4,000 parking spaces with all day parking priced at about £2. Every shopping centre and hospital has huge parking capacity. They manage it over there. ABC just adds inadequate sticking plaster.

We need a full review by independen­t consultant­s who will listen to residents and make the relevant changes to how the council do things. The town and the residents deserve better. John Bailey, chair, Willesboro­ugh Parking Action Group

 ??  ?? Former North School head teacher Lesley Ellis was the victim of a stitch-up, says former pupil Dale Lee
Former North School head teacher Lesley Ellis was the victim of a stitch-up, says former pupil Dale Lee

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