Kentish Express Ashford & District

Police tsar still fighting for Stack cash


Ann Barnes has refused to give up on securing compensati­on for Kent Police from the Home Office over the extra cost of policing Operation Stack.

The county’s police and crime commission­er, who leaves her post next Wednesday following the election today (Thursday) to find her replacemen­t, says not getting the Home Office to refund the costs was her “biggest regret last year”.

Mrs Barnes has called on her successor to continue lobbying the government on behalf of Kent residents.

The commission­er had her request to cover the £576,925.59 bill in additional costs for Kent Operation stack on the M20 near Ashford Police turned down by Home Secretary Theresa May.

This was in spite of Mrs Barnes saying she received “legitimate expectatio­ns” from Home Office permanent secretary Mark Sedwill that Mrs May would use her discretion to approve the special grant applicatio­n.

Mrs Barnes argued that as Operation Stack had been recognised as a national issue it would be reasonable for Kent Police to receive compensati­on for the additional policing costs resulting from it, and she has repeat- edly called on the government to reimburse the force.

But she told a meeting of the Kent and Medway Police and Crime Panel last month that Mr Sedwill had visited her again and that talks were ongoing between the Home Office, Kent Police and Mrs Barnes’ office to look at options for the future.

Mrs Barnes said: “I am never one to give up. I will fight this to the end.

“We had a very full and frank exchange at my office, and Mr Sedwill agreed his officials would work with us to discuss options for this year.

“It was reassuring to hear that the door is still a little bit open because it isn’t fair that the taxpayers of Kent should not only have to put up with the misery of Stack but pay for the policing costs as well.

“Maybe I’m cynical, but I hope this matter has not just been kicked into the long grass until after I’m gone.

“If we do have Operation Stack again, I sincerely hope that everyone keeps the pressure on the Home Office to secure a fair deal for the taxpayers of Kent.”

‘I am never one to give up. I will fight this to the end’

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 ?? Picture: Gary Browne ??
Picture: Gary Browne

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