Kentish Express Ashford & District

Church using Pokemon to attract youngsters


An Ashford church is looking to entice new members by utilising its position as a Pokemon “gym”.

The game operates using GPS data and cameras on mobile phones, often forming “gyms” in popular areas or at landmarks, which allow gamers to train and battle with their virtual creatures which appear on the screen as if they are there in real life.

The Pokemon gym is the idea of the Rev John MacKenzie of St Mary the Virgin Church in Willesboro­ugh. He said: “I walked out of church and saw a group of young people playing the game and I just thought ‘that’s great’.”

The team rector for Ashford also plays the game with his 19-year-old son Jacob and is keen to make players of all ages welcome. Since putting up the notice, the church has managed to attract more young members.

Mr MacKenzie added: “We have had some people come and play inside. It has been good. The main idea is to say that you’re fine to play here.”

Richard Harrington, who spotted the church’s Pokemon notice, said: “I think it’s really important for the church to connect with the younger generation and to have the church accept that they are now a gym in a virtual world too is nice.

“I feel the message that is being put out is that they don’t mind you looking for Pokemon but if you want to come in and have a coffee and cake then that’s OK.”

The church is open as a cafe from 8.45am to 12.30pm every day and for worship on Sunday at 10am.

 ??  ?? The Pokemon notice at St Mary the Virgin Church; the Rev John MacKenzie
The Pokemon notice at St Mary the Virgin Church; the Rev John MacKenzie
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