Kentish Express Ashford & District

Only one solution to parking problem


The article about parking in Loudon Way on the Godinton Park estate (‘Parking danger is “beyond a joke”’, KE, October 27) reinforces what I have said in many letters to your paper.

The ‘solutions’ implemente­d by Ashford Borough Council (ABC) regarding double yellow lines have a number of effects: It just moves the problem down the road It causes more complaints from newly affected residents It never solves the core problem. ABC just applies ‘sticking plaster’ solutions, never a long-term strategic solution. At the Joint Transporta­tion Board in September a councillor complained that these problems rumble on for years. Yes they do, because ABC never implements the right solution.

The only solution to intrusive commuter parking is a single yellow line over a wide area, with one-hour morning and afternoon enforcemen­t periods. This works in many places all over Kent, yet ABC never puts it forward as a solution. It is THE solution to Ashford’s commuter parking problems.

How many years more will residents have to wait before it is implemente­d across the borough? John Bailey Willesboro­ugh Parking Action Group chairman children. Despite all the difficulti­es, and severe lack of funding (shortages of food, accommodat­ion, clothing, etc), all those refugees were eventually absorbed into European society.

The situation we face today is unique, and if we have any pride and compassion, we must try to respond positively by doing what we can to help, and pray that we never find ourselves in anything like the same situation. Ted Prangnell Kennington a left-wing socialist. I have voted Tory for over 40 years, but am beginning to have very serious doubts. LD Goddard Ashford

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