Kentish Express Ashford & District

Pervert had abuse images on phone


A serial sex offender, ordered by a court not to delete his internet history, was found to have sick child abuse images on his iPhone.

But pervert pensioner James Fuller claimed they must have been on the device after the police returned it to him after leaving prison.

Forensic examinatio­ns were inconclusi­ve as to whether or not the iPhone was the same as one returned to him, Canterbury Crown Court heard.

But then officers checked the search terms he had used on a base unit and discovered “pre-teen” “Candy girl”, “nude pre-teen” and pre-teen Russian girl” which he had used between July and September 2015.

Now Fuller, of Sir John Fogge Avenue, Repton Park, Ashford, has been returned to prison for another year after admitting having the illegal child images on the devices, just three months after being released from a 32-month prison sentence.

The father-of-five pleaded guilty to two offences of pos- sessing indecent images of children, some at the worst level.

Simon Taylor, prosecutin­g, said 11 images were discovered despite Fuller being subject to restrictio­ns on his internet access.

In September, during a routine monitoring visit to his home, officers discovered he had breached the order and later checks revealed the images.

Mr Taylor said: “He was interviewe­d and claimed that the iPhone had been returned to him following his release from prison and denied viewing any of them.”

Fuller had been jailed in 2005 for nine months for having illegal images and four years later received a four month suspended sentence for failing to comply with a court order.

In 2012 he was given a com- munity order after more images were found but jailed in 2014 for the same offences when officers found over 500 indecent images and 278 videos on his computer.

Det Con Jo Gordon from Kent Police said at the time: “Fuller is clearly a danger to the public.

“Despite having already been convicted, he continued to seek out appalling images of child abuse for his own pleasure.

“By his own admission he is attracted to young children, preferring the videos to the still images.

“He demonstrat­es a complete lack of insight into the impact that child abuse has on the lives of the victims, and the ongoing issues created by the knowledge that the evidence of their suffering is circulatin­g among people like himself.”

 ?? Picture: Kent Police ?? Sex offender James Fuller
Picture: Kent Police Sex offender James Fuller

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