Kentish Express Ashford & District



Southern have not replied to Mrs Head’s complaint and she now plans to contact Ashford MP Damian Green.

A Southern spokesman: “We are deeply sorry for the utterly unnecessar­y and unwarrante­d disruption this industrial action is causing.

“The unions’ response is utterly disproport­ionate to our reasonable proposals to modernise the way we operate our services to improve customer service and reduce delays and cancellati­ons.

“The union’s action is causing misery to 300,000 passengers a day across the South East and untold damage to the regional economy.

Even on non-strike days, ASLEF’s driver overtime ban is leading to widespread disruption and this is having a real effect on schoolchil­dren as well as commuters.

“We want nothing more than an end to this dispute as quickly as possible.

“We’ve met ASLEF at Acas before and after Christmas and have made them a comprehens­ive offer to settle their dispute.

“We’ve invited the RMT to talk to us and lines of communicat­ion are open, we’ve always said our do.” The ASLEF strike action comes as part of their long-running dispute with Southern over driver-only trains.

ASLEF general secretary Mick Whelan, said: “We are taking a longerterm view of this trade dispute

“The company has not been prepared to move – it is simply going through the motions, turning up at ACAS.

“We remain committed to a negotiated settlement, as was reached with ScotRail, but it is difficult to negotiate with people who are not prepared to be flexible.

“We still believe a deal can be done but we are, at the moment, a long way from that position.

“It is time for the company to come up with a genuine offer rather than carry on posturing.”

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