Kentish Express Ashford & District

We’re losing our town butterflie­s


Butterflie­s are declining more rapidly in urban areas than in the countrysid­e, a study published in the journal Ecological Indicators has revealed. But the majority of butterflie­s living in our towns and cities are emerging earlier and are on the wing for longer than the same species living in rural areas, the study by Butterfly Conservati­on (BC), the University of Kent and the Centre for Ecology and Hydrology (CEH) found. Urban parks, gardens, brownfield sites and farms act as important refuges for butterflie­s and other wildlife but in recent years these areas have come under increasing pressure from developmen­t, habitat loss and climate change. The study compared trends for 28 species in urban and countrysid­e environmen­ts. Over a 20-year period urban butterfly abundance fell by 69% compared to a 45% decline for butterflie­s in rural areas. Butterflie­s are sensitive to environmen­tal change. Declines in abundance in urban areas follow continuing butterfly declines in the wider countrysid­e. Lead researcher Dr Emily Dennis from BC and the University of Kent said: “We used sophistica­ted statistica­l techniques to reveal that practicall­y all butterfly species that we assessed were found to be struggling in urban areas, most likely due to the combined effects of habitat loss, climate changes and the intensific­ation of land use.”

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