Kentish Express Ashford & District

New buses are driving people away


The windows they have put in the Little & Often buses are useless.

The people at the back get the cool air but the people at the front still roast on a hot day.

If you go from Ashford to Canterbury you get a lovely bus with legroom and somewhere to put your luggage. It’s the same if you go from Canterbury to Folkestone – a beautiful bus with lots of legroom and windows that give you a lovely fresh breeze.

But in Ashford you get a tin can on wheels that still doesn’t work properly. I was told when I had a meeting with Stagecoach in February that it would cost too much for the company to put a person in the Ashford Gateway to see what people think about the new buses.

Now they have opened a rest room for the drivers in Bank Street which costs a lot more than the person in the Gateway would have done. When will Stagecoach listen to their customers?

They say they want to get more people to use public transport, but since they have introduced these Little & Often buses I have seen a decline in the people using them.

When will Stagecoach learn that before they change things they need to ask the public what they would like. David Clinch Highfield Road, Ashford

With regard to the Stagecoach Little & Often buses, I am disabled and a larger lady, so to squeeze on to a tight-seated, tight-aisled minibus full of children on the school run fills me with anxiety.

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