Kentish Express Ashford & District

Diversion signs causing problems for HGV drivers


Regarding the the closure of Kennington Road (Widening ‘progressin­g well’ but problems with signs, KE, Jue 29).

I have been amazed to see HGVs still coming down Kennington Road from the Willam Harvey direction.

The reason is that on the M20 side of the William Harvey mini roundabout is a KCC Highways diversion sign pointing across the roundabout to Kennington Road and immediatel­y after that is another sign saying road ahead closed.

Naturally enough drivers think the diversion sign has priority and so carry on to Kennington Road, expecting to see another diversion sign, but there isn’t one.

So drivers carry on down to Blackwall Road North, where it is extremely difficult to turn and go back.

I have helped three HGVs reverse and turn with difficulty and risk of wall, fence and kerb damage.

I tried twice to call the police on 101 but, after waiting a long time on each occasion, I rang KCC Highways and spoke to someone and advised him of the situation, and he told me that it would sorted out in two days.

Nearly a week later, today, on driving up to Tesco’s from my home in King’s Chase, there were three lorries and a German coach coming down towards the roadworks, so obviously nothing has been done.

I am therefore hoping you may be able to exert some influence on KCC Highways as this could go on until September, when the work is due to be finished.

The other side of the M20 diverts traffic to go to the Matalan roundabout, but why?

Why not divert traffic to junction 9 on the M20? Rod Maynard Kings Chase, Ashford

What a waste of money! Kennington Road has been like that for years.

As an ex lorry driver I know that there is no such thing as a dangerous road it’s dangerous driving that’s the problem.

When driving on a road like that you should expect the unexpected. B. R. Feathersto­ne South Ashford

 ?? Picture: Steve Salter FM4824403 ?? Work is progressin­g well on the widening scheme of Kennington Road in Willesboro­ugh
Picture: Steve Salter FM4824403 Work is progressin­g well on the widening scheme of Kennington Road in Willesboro­ugh

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