Kentish Express Ashford & District

Heroin addict thief ‘needs help’


A heroin addict stole £50 worth of meat from a supermarke­t after a relapse, a court was told.

Sean Charles, of Cleves Way, South Ashford, was accused of entering the Co-op store in Brookfield Court on Wednesday, May 31, this year.

The 30-year-old father of two admitted the theft when he appeared before Folkestone magistrate­s last week.

He also admitted possessing heroin and amphetamin­e at his address after he was stopped by police officers a few days later.

Prosecutor Neil Sweeney said Charles instantly told the police he had drugs stashed in his room. The officers entered the house and found four wraps of heroin and three of amphetamin­e – that Charles had believed was cocaine – in his room.

He had previously been convicted for drugs offences in 2013, but a probation report said Charles had managed to stay clean for nearly four years after the conviction.

Gordon Crowe, defending, said: “Unfortunat­ely this is a man who has been blighted by drug abuse and addiction. He stole some meat in order to sell it and sold it for £10.

“It was a desperate act from a desperate type of person. He is someone in need of help.”

Magistrate­s ordered Charles to repay £50 to the Co-op in compensati­on and told him he must complete a six-month drug rehabilita­tion course under a community order.

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