Kentish Express Ashford & District

Town a fitting film set as shops close


The body blow news that Debenhams is to close in Ashford is yet another nail in the coffin of a once vibrant retail High Street shopping centre.

Those who have witnessed the weak footfall in this large store will not be the slightest surprised at the announced closure.

With the demise of M&S, it leaves the town’s premier retail centre with the loss of two of the most well known stores in the whole country.

With the inability to let the eight restaurant­s being critical to the long term financial success of the Picturehou­se area, Marks and Debenhams gone, along with quite a few unlet shops in Bank Street and elsewhere locally, our hopeful new arrival Netflix will be champing at the bit to use this area as a set for a sequel to the film Night Of The Living Dead. Whatever blether is issued by Ashford Borough Council and other parties attempting to ameliorate the impact of this news, it will not obfuscate the consequenc­es of this major blow to our town.

Additional­ly it again highlights the sagacity and commercial commonsens­e of ABC’s policy to make major investment­s in town centre property at a time when experience­d retail investment companies are looking to reduce their portfolios, rents are falling and tenants failing at an alarming rate.

Very worrying; even more so as ABC seem extremely reluctant to give it’s ratepayers much informatio­n and/or any assurances.

Kerrigan Bethel,

Wye will now mean more trips to Canterbury. Cllr Clarkson thinks these two empty shops could be turned in to restaurant­s. How many more food outlets do we need in this town?

I am confident the votes to change membership of the council was nothing to do with Brexit but the people of Ashford showing their frustratio­n at the way our council ignores the needs of the town to follow their own ideas of grandeur.

I would like to wish the new members of the council the very best of luck but I don’t envy your task ahead.

C. Chamberlai­n,


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