Kentish Express Ashford & District

Motion to approve gets no support


Former portfolio holder for planning Cllr Paul Clokie (Con) questioned having 200 car park spaces for 223 properties, the design, and expressed how he’d prefer to see some of the blocks reduced by “two storeys, possibly three”.

Calling for a design amendment, Cllr Clokie proposed a motion to defer the scheme for investigat­ion into such a change.

Conservati­ve Cllr Matthew Forest seconded this deferral motion.

However not all members felt the need to postpone or reject the plans, with portfolio holder for planning Cllr Neil Shorter (Con) motioning to approve the scheme.

He said: “I just want to make sure members do judge this on planning grounds not on other views and opinions.”

Cllr Shorter found comfort in the officer’s assertions that the number of parking spaces should be adequate due to the proximity of the station.

He added: “We have to be careful we don’t turn a developmen­t down based on likes and dislikes - we have to come up with a real reasons why this is going to be declined if that’s where we end up.

“I would advocate that - if that’s the route we determine tonight - that those who are opposing this developmen­t make sure that whatever they put forward as reasons for refusal are sound planning matters.”

He then proposed a motion to approve the scheme in its current form.

Cllr Shorter’s suggestion that design wasn’t related to solid planning considerat­ions was promptly called up by Cllr Spain, who listed council policies requiring good and unique design.

To that response, the Conservati­ve assured members he wasn’t referring specifical­ly to members’ views.

Cllr Shorter’s motion to approve wasn’t seconded, leaving the committee with motions to refuse or defer.

The latter won out, with 11 councillor­s supporting the motion, four abstaining and one against.

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