Kentish Express Ashford & District

Opening hours extended at estate


Opening hours of a new industrial estate have been largely extended following a council debate.

Businesses on the 28-unit Carlton Road Business Park will now be allowed to operate on Sundays, as well as public and bank holidays, for the first time.

On Saturdays, work hours have been lengthened to 6am to 10pm – an amendment to the original 6am to 6pm timeframe.

Ashford Borough Council – which owns the estate on the former Rimmel site – had previously sought 24-hour operation.

That plan was rejected by the planning committee in December but ward representa­tive Cllr Dara Farrell (Lab) expressed his annoyance at the repeated attempts to change the operating hours.

He said: “The original condition was placed on permission to protect residentia­l amenity – that was agreed by both the applicant and residents at the time.

“Residents at the time demonstrat­ed their concern at this developmen­t but inserting the hours of working clause ensured general approval.

“The question here is what’s changed?” Cllr Farrell then went on to question what he called “a failed business plan of the council”, questionin­g the low occupancy of the units even when there was the possibilit­y of a 24-hour operating schedule.

In the council report prepared for the meeting, it was noted that “after over a year of marketing the units, only one has been let” – a fact the officer puts down to the constraine­d operating hours.

Council leader Cllr Gerry Clarkson (Con) said the applicant has every right to bring forward another proposal if it has been significan­tly amended and refuted claims no other Cobbs Wood businesses work 24 hours.

After much debate, Cllr Clarkson moved to approve the condition change.

A vote was held, with a motion to refuse the change turned down and the motion to approve the applicatio­n upheld by 11 votes to three.

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