Kentish Express Ashford & District

‘Large Burton’ frustratio­n


I am writing to bring to your attention my feelings - as a local long-term Kennington resident - towards the proposed ‘Large Burton’ [Conningbro­ok Park] estate on Willesboro­ugh Road. As you are no doubt aware, the recent motion to approve this highly controvers­ial developmen­t was won by just one single vote and the one Tory councillor who was on the side of the residents was not permitted to attend the meeting.

Many local residents are hoping for an inquiry to take place as a matter of urgency. This proposal is an absolute disaster for our local area and it seems that local feeling and opinions were completely disregarde­d.

Kennington is unable to take the burden of another 725 houses - the doctors’ surgeries, the hospital, the roads - the infrastruc­ture simply cannot cope with more.

In addition to this, losing a beautiful piece of Grade 1 arable land at this time, when nature and open spaces are the only things keeping many people sane in this pandemicst­ricken time, is absolutely criminal.

I was out walking in this field earlier this month and in just 15 minutes I counted 20 different people out walking and appreciati­ng all that nature has to offer us.

This developmen­t desired by a minority of business people - none of whom even live in the area - cannot be allowed to go ahead.

I do hope that by writing and - once again - making local feelings known, something can be done to stop this destructiv­e, ill-advised and completely unwanted developmen­t.

Joana Dores Kennington

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