Kentish Express Ashford & District

Extremists have taken over BLM protests


Such a pity that the Black Lives Matter campaign has been hijacked by the woke society and the anarchists. I know this happens as I experience­d it back in the 1970’s when attending a large Kent Against Live Export protest at Dover’s Eastern Docks.

I was soon to realise there was a large group of extremists present who were intent on only one thing and that was aggression towards the police and certainly not peaceful protest.

So it is with BLM, they are nurturing an anarchisti­c rabble intent on causing as much trouble as possible to the police and the establishm­ent and even rewriting history. Unfortunat­ely, the latter part of this creed has also been adopted by the BBC who I read with disbelief were considerin­g erasing an episode of ‘Fawlty Towers’ (‘The Germans’) for fear of causing offence. What next, ‘Allo Allo’ must surely be in the firing line? Humour is a great ‘leveller’ and can actually bring people and even nations together.

When will people wake up to this flawed and dangerous thinking? History cannot be erased or re-written, it should be appreciate­d and learned from. How would this woke generation have fared if Churchill had not faced the greatest ever racist threat to the world, Nazism, with determinat­ion, skill and belief in the British spirit? The fact that the anarchists are able to deface war memorials and statues of historic importance, etc, should concern us all. It could be the thin end of a very uncomforta­ble wedge indeed.

Alan King

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