Kentish Express Ashford & District

Christmas message We have pulled through before and will again

- By the Lady Colgrain, Lord Lieutenant of Kent

This Christmas will be like no other.

With Kent in Tier 4, we face the toughest restrictio­ns.

Celebratio­ns are on hold. My thoughts are with the people who will be apart from families, some spending their first Christmas alone. The past year has been filled with grief and disappoint­ment.

We think of those who have lost loved ones to Covid-19; young people whose education has been disrupted; the harm to physical and mental health; the loss of jobs, pressure on family budgets; and businesses facing huge challenges.

Yet there have been reasons to be joyful. We celebrate the amazing work of key workers; scientists tirelessly searching for a vaccine; charities, volunteers, young people, friends and neighbours carrying out selfless tasks for others; the armed forces helping civilian services in so many ways; heroes like

Captain Sir Tom Moore and Kent’s tenacious young fundraiser

Tony Hudgell; and the inspiratio­n of the natural world in our beautiful county.

I’m grateful to my volunteer colleagues in the Kent Lieutenanc­y for carrying out many tasks throughout the year, most recently at

Remembranc­e Services that honoured those who served. We value the inspiratio­n of Her

Majesty the Queen and the contributi­on by the

Royal Family during this difficult year.

Charles Dickens, an author so closely associated with Kent, summed up the past year in A Tale of Two Cities. “It was the best of times, it was the worst of times.”

As we look beyond this unusual festive season, I hope and pray that the worst of times will end in 2021, that the vaccinatio­n programme will offer protection, and that everyone can celebrate next Christmas in the usual way.

Kent has faced many trials in the past and pulled through. We will pull through this one too. I wish you a safe and blessed Christmas, and happiness and good health in 2021.

As we look beyond this unusual festive season, I hope and pray that the worst of times will end in 2021

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