Kentish Express Ashford & District

Trying to dodge alifeofdai­ly discomfort

- Stuart Barton Our columnist with his own look at the world

They really get on my pip.

‘Who?’, you ask.

Those perpetuall­y over the top, smiley loonies who appear on our TV screens in leotards or onesies, bending, stretching and cavorting in their Covid-safe kitchens or living rooms, trying to get us to act as daft as they do.

And then there is a further layer of idiocy. There are some who wander the countrysid­e in sub-zero temperatur­es naked but for their knickers and shoes, saying how good it makes them feel.

Further yet are those who go swimming amid ice floes (and, probably, the floating corpses of others who have done the selfsame thing). All these people seem to have one aim - to destroy the even tenor of my life and persuade me, and all other couch potatoes, to pull muscles, rick our necks and take to a life of daily discomfort.

To adapt a quotation from a Christian book

‘Sufficient unto the day is the exercise thereof’.

In other words, we get quite enough exercise just going about our daily lives.

Those people are relatively harmless.

There are others - moral defectives - who display their inadequaci­es by abusing people of races and religions different from their own.

Demonstrat­ing the

‘heroism’ for which the

British have long been known - remember the

British Empire and ‘the


Man’s Burden?’ We should all be thankful that such outdated and damaging attitudes have now pretty well faded away - apart from, as I said, the muddy corners of idiocy.

It was not that long ago that an unmarried mother was deemed ‘morally defective’ and was locked away in a psychiatri­c hospital often for life. Perhaps it would be a good idea to apply the same treatment to the anti-social media heroes who abuse persons different from themselves.

To her great delight, Mrs. B got the call to go for her jab last Saturday, meanwhile I’m eagerly awaiting the call for my second visit.

‘There are some who wander the countrysid­e in sub-zero temperatur­es naked but for their knickers and shoes, saying how good it makes them feel’

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