Kentish Express Ashford & District

Living in a green dictatorsh­ip


The election leaflets landed on our doormats. The usual platitudes from the usual party suspects.

From virtue-signalling support for the impossible to achieve net zero target by the Alliance party, to a NIMBY attack on the commercial heartbeat of our economy and supply, road haulage, by the Conservati­ve.

For the first time in 48 years, I decided that I would abstain from voting but the Reform UK Party leaflet is the only mini local manifesto that focusses on common sense: Rebuild local economy and cut wasteful council spending.

The Tory candidate’s antilorry focus is emotive and is ill-informed; 97% of everything in our homes, workplaces and schools was delivered by a fossil fuelled truck. Selective haulage management is not the answer.

What’s needed is a national long term road transport plan, that’s fair and safe to all road users and pedestrian­s. That benefits the economic, environmen­t and community cohesion. Emotive statements like ‘getting lorries out of our lives’ is not true traditiona­l blue Conservati­ve ethos and reflects how out of touch mainstream local politicos have become.

As a one nation Conservati­ve and founder of FairFuelUK I wrote articles in the national press for drivers to vote Tory in the 2019 general election, as they are the time-honoured motorist’s friend.

How wrong I’ve since been proved. With the unexpected 2030 ban on new petrol and diesel sales and the complete lack of preparatio­n, financiall­y and practicall­y, to convert 37m UK drivers to electric cars, it seems we are now in a green agenda dictatorsh­ip.

Undemocrat­ic decisions have been forced upon us without consultati­on and were not in any party manifesto.

Howard Cox

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